Best Africa Adventure Tours and travel

It should come as no surprise that Africa still has vast and virtually unexplored tracts of wilderness the most adventurous tourist truly feel alive.

Our Africa adventure travel safaris combine off-the-beaten track destinations with unforgettable activities: Come experience the exhilaration tracking the highly endangered mountain gorillas in the jungles of Uganda and Rwanda, marvel at the sight of the Big 5, fly to tucked-away lodges in Tanzania’s most remote reserves; or get close to the wildebeest migration in a mobile tented camp.

If you prefer an Africa adventure holiday filled with tropical sunshine and soft white sand, we can recommend remote Indian Ocean islands in Zanzibar and Mombasa.

Browse our range of Africa adventure accommodation and our list of tours and safaris for inspiration, or simply contact one of our African Safari Experts for advice and recommendations.

Recommended Africa Adventure tours and safaris

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"My friend and I had such a great experience with sustainable travel! We organized gorilla tracking from Canada, and corresponding with travel representatives made planning a breeze."

Chad, Canada